Policies & Procedures

The purpose of these policies and procedures is to help students succeed at Sinclair. Please carefully review and address any questions to instructors or the contacts provided.

The college reserves the right to appeal, change, or amend rules, regulations, tuition, and fees and may withdraw, add to, or modify the policies, courses, and programs listed herein.

For current information:

Academic Petition Process

If you experienced an emergency situation which affected your ability to withdraw before the deadline date or your ability to finish course requirements, you may ask the Academic Petitions Committee to consider your circumstances. You must file a petition through the Office of the Assistant Provost as soon as possible, but no later than two years following the term when the grade was recorded. Please note that this process can only be used to change a grade of F or Z to a grade of W.

Examples of emergency situations which might support your petition are:

With your petition, you must submit documentation of your circumstances that prevented you from withdrawing before the deadline and/or impacted your ability to attend class and complete coursework. Documentation from your physician, employer, agency, etc. must be on letterhead and contain the dates pertaining to your situation to verify your inability to withdraw or attend class.

Once a petition is submitted, it is logged in and placed on the agenda for the next Academic Petition Committee meeting. This cycle can take up to three months to complete. Additionally, the committee does not meet during the summer months.

The results of the Committee’s petition decision, whether granted or denied, will be communicated to you by a letter sent to the address on the petition you submit.

If you are interested in filing a Tuition Refund Appeal, a separate process must be initiated through the Bursar’s office. You may contact the Bursar’s office directly at 937-512-2568.

For any issues that may fall under the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct policy resulting in students requiring resources, contact the Title IX office at (937) 512-2961 or at TitleIX@sinclair.edu

*For other medical or mental health emergencies see the Mental/Medical Health Withdrawal policy prior to contacting academic petitions.

Adding/Dropping Courses

Before adding or withdrawing from one or more classes, students should consult an academic advisor and the Welcome Center if using financial aid. The financial aid status of any student may be affected by withdrawing from one or more classes. Current or returning students must have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average to add or drop a course online.

A student who registers for 12 or more credit hours is considered full-time. A student who registers for 11 credit hours or less is considered part-time. Students may withdraw online, in person, or by phone.