Audio Production Invoice

Audio Production Invoice

Faster & Simpler Invoicing for Audio Producers

Spend more time doing voiceovers, or recording music and less time on billing. Use our free invoice template to get paid faster and free up your time to focus on what you love: providing audio services.
You are an audio producer because you’re passionate about audio design, audio editing, music, or production. Not because you want to process invoices. Our free invoice template is here to shortcut the job of generating audio production invoices.

Audio Production Invoice Requirements

✔ Unique invoice number
✔ A payment due date
✔ The total price for the project
✔ Your name, business name, and contact details
✔ The client’s business name and contact details
✔ Details of any discounts, on a separate line.
✔ The invoice date, which is the date when you send the invoice
✔ Payment methods you’ll accept, such as check, bank transfer, credit card, or other payment details.
✔ Extra payment terms, late payment fees, early payment discount, or check processing fees
✔ List of services provided. Each task on a separate line, such as “editing audio for the YouTube video” & add the quantity or the no. of hours, & the total cost for each task.

How to Invoice for Audio Production Services

Being an audio producer means carrying out many different tasks, from audio mixing to vocal tuning. Your clients might not realize how much goes into your work, so make sure to break down your services so they understand what exactly they are paying for.

For example, you are responsible for recording voiceovers in a social media documentary project. The type of task would be “audio production & voice overs” and the task itself would be “recording voiceover for video 1 & 2”.

It’s a good idea to use an audio production invoice generator and create a list of your most commonly-used services, so you can copy and paste them into your invoice.

Which Audio Production Services Need an Invoice?

✔ Audio Design
✔ Audio Editing
✔ Audio Mixing
✔ Voiceover
✔ Composition
✔ Voice Acting
✔ Audio Book
✔ Film Scoring
✔ Voice Recording
✔ Music Production
✔ Vocal Tuning
✔ Podcast Production

Why do You Need an Audio Production Invoice?

As a freelance voice actor, or an audio or video producer, you can get paid for every service you provide by sending a professional invoice with proper details. Other benefits of invoicing include:

✔ Find income information when it’s time to file taxes.
✔ Keep track of the different services that you offer.
✔ Stay in control of your client accounts.
✔ Always know when payments are due or overdue.
✔ Make it simple to follow up on late payments.
✔ Monitor your audio production business’ growth.
✔ Keep book-keeping in-house for longer.
✔ Show tax authorities that you are organized and reliable.

How to reclaim your VAT

When is the Right Time to send an Audio Production Invoice?

If you’re a freelancer or an audio production agency, your invoice should include details about when the client needs to pay for your work. The best time to invoice depends on the project.

Type of audio production project

Best time to invoice

Some companies have a fixed day of the month when they make their international payments, so send in your invoice a few days in advance.

Audio Production Invoicing Best Practices

Invoicing billable hours or charging flat-rate fees, optimize your invoices the best you can. Here’s a list of audio production invoicing best practices to make things easier:

✔Accept as many payment methods as possible, especially electronic transactions.
✔Include multiple ways for your client to contact you, in case they have a question.
✔Review your contract to check that you’ve fulfilled all the terms and that your invoice details match what you agreed with the client.
✔Use a free audio production invoice template to make your invoice look professional and easy to read.
✔List special costs like late fees, and taxes like sales tax, separately.
✔Keep a copy of every invoice for your own records, so that you can track when payment is due.
✔Follow up on client payment. Make sure to send reminders promptly if anyone misses a payment.