Sample Questions

The following sample questions are representative of the style of questions that could appear on the IB Admissions Test.

Mathematics Sample Questions:

  1. A number is multiplied by 5 and then 9 is subtracted from the result, giving 51. What is the original number?
    (A) 210 (B) 8.4 (C) 65 (D) 12 (E) 15
  2. 2 + 3 x 4 + 10 equals
    (A) 24 (B) 60 (C) 70 (D) 19 (E) 34
  3. The number of white balls and red balls in a jar is in the ratio of 3 : 2. If there are 9 white balls, how many red balls are there?
    (A) 5 (B) 8 (C) 2 (D) 6 (E) 3
  4. In the diagram, the value of x is
    (A) 53° (B) 74° (C) 37° (D) 63.5° (E) None of the above

French Sample Questions:

  1. Choisis l’intrus dans chaque groupe de mots. (i.e. ‘word that does not fit’)
    (A) neveu (B) gendre (C) mère (D) petite-fille
  2. Choisis le synonyme du mot souligne (ex. Gentil = sympa)
    fleuve (A) rivière (B) flore (C) coulisse (D) marais
  3. Choisis l’antonyme du mot souligné: (ex. grand- petit)
    bas (A) pauvre (B) étroit (C) haut (D) actuel
  4. Choisis la forme correcte pour compléter chaque phrase. Je n’ai__vu cet élève!
    (A) toujours (B) mais (C) jamais (D) assez

English Sample Questions:

Please read the following paragraph and answer the questions below:

Early people found fire in natural forms, and it became a central part of life long before they learned how to make it themselves. We know that many of today’s forest fires are set by lightning. These fires were just as common in the days of early people. There were also fires that came from the hot lava of volcanoes. And there were fires started by sparks from stones crashing together. What people saw taught them how to use fire. But when they first used fire, they had to carry it with them from place to place. They did not know how to make it themselves. Certain members of the tribe became “keepers of the fire.” In fact, fire became part of the religion of many tribes. Because it was so valuable, fire was worshipped by the tribes.

  1. What is the topic of the paragraph?
    (A) Famous volcanoes (B) fire hazards (C) early people and fire (D) how to build a fire in the wilderness
  2. The paragraph states that early people
    (A) Cooked all their food in open fires (B) Valued fire above many other things (C) Used hot lava to cook their food (B) Used flint to make fire
  3. The paragraph is organized as
    (A) A broad statement followed by support (B) Reasons leading to a conclusion (C) Introduction, main idea, and supporting sentences (D) A list of equally important statements

Sample Grammar Question

  1. When I ___________________________the room, everybody was reading.
    (A) was entering (B) entered (C) will enter (D) had entered