Kubernetes: Up and Running, 2nd Edition

Kubernetes: Up and Running, 2nd Edition

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Book description

Kubernetes radically changes the way applications are built and deployed in the cloud. Since its introduction in 2014, this container orchestrator has become one of the largest and most popular open source projects in the world. The updated edition of this practical book shows developers and ops personnel how Kubernetes and container technology can help you achieve new levels of velocity, agility, reliability, and efficiency.

Kelsey Hightower, Brendan Burns, and Joe Beda—who’ve worked on Kubernetes at Google and beyond—explain how this system fits into the lifecycle of a distributed application. You’ll learn how to use tools and APIs to automate scalable distributed systems, whether it’s for online services, machine learning applications, or a cluster of Raspberry Pi computers.

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Table of contents

  1. Preface
    1. Kubernetes: A Dedication
    2. Who Should Read This Book
    3. Why We Wrote This Book
    4. Why We Updated This Book
    5. A Word on Cloud-Native Applications Today
    6. Navigating This Book
    7. Online Resources
    8. Conventions Used in This Book
    9. Using Code Examples
    10. O’Reilly Online Learning
    11. How to Contact Us
    12. Acknowledgments
    1. Velocity
      1. The Value of Immutability
      2. Declarative Configuration
      3. Self-Healing Systems
      1. Decoupling
      2. Easy Scaling for Applications and Clusters
      3. Scaling Development Teams with Microservices
      4. Separation of Concerns for Consistency and Scaling
      1. Container Images
        1. The Docker Image Format
        1. Dockerfiles
        2. Optimizing Image Sizes
        3. Image Security
        1. Running Containers with Docker
        2. Exploring the kuard Application
        3. Limiting Resource Usage
        1. Installing Kubernetes on a Public Cloud Provider
          1. Google Kubernetes Engine
          2. Installing Kubernetes with Azure Kubernetes Service
          3. Installing Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services
          1. Checking Cluster Status
          2. Listing Kubernetes Worker Nodes
          1. Kubernetes Proxy
          2. Kubernetes DNS
          3. Kubernetes UI
          1. Namespaces
          2. Contexts
          3. Viewing Kubernetes API Objects
          4. Creating, Updating, and Destroying Kubernetes Objects
          5. Labeling and Annotating Objects
          6. Debugging Commands
          7. Command Autocompletion
          8. Alternative Ways of Viewing Your Cluster
          9. Summary
          1. Pods in Kubernetes
          2. Thinking with Pods
          3. The Pod Manifest
            1. Creating a Pod
            2. Creating a Pod Manifest
            1. Listing Pods
            2. Pod Details
            3. Deleting a Pod
            1. Using Port Forwarding
            2. Getting More Info with Logs
            3. Running Commands in Your Container with exec
            4. Copying Files to and from Containers
            1. Liveness Probe
            2. Readiness Probe
            3. Types of Health Checks
            1. Resource Requests: Minimum Required Resources
            2. Capping Resource Usage with Limits
            1. Using Volumes with Pods
            2. Different Ways of Using Volumes with Pods
            3. Persisting Data Using Remote Disks
            1. Labels
              1. Applying Labels
              2. Modifying Labels
              3. Label Selectors
              4. Label Selectors in API Objects
              5. Labels in the Kubernetes Architecture
              1. Defining Annotations
              1. What Is Service Discovery?
              2. The Service Object
                1. Service DNS
                2. Readiness Checks
                1. Endpoints
                2. Manual Service Discovery
                3. kube-proxy and Cluster IPs
                4. Cluster IP Environment Variables
                1. Ingress Spec Versus Ingress Controllers
                2. Installing Contour
                  1. Configuring DNS
                  2. Configuring a Local hosts File
                  1. Simplest Usage
                  2. Using Hostnames
                  3. Using Paths
                  4. Cleaning Up
                  1. Running Multiple Ingress Controllers
                  2. Multiple Ingress Objects
                  3. Ingress and Namespaces
                  4. Path Rewriting
                  5. Serving TLS
                  1. Reconciliation Loops
                  2. Relating Pods and ReplicaSets
                    1. Adopting Existing Containers
                    2. Quarantining Containers
                    1. Pod Templates
                    2. Labels
                    1. Finding a ReplicaSet from a Pod
                    2. Finding a Set of Pods for a ReplicaSet
                    1. Imperative Scaling with kubectl scale
                    2. Declaratively Scaling with kubectl apply
                    3. Autoscaling a ReplicaSet
                    1. Your First Deployment
                      1. Deployment Internals
                      1. Scaling a Deployment
                      2. Updating a Container Image
                      3. Rollout History
                      1. Recreate Strategy
                      2. RollingUpdate Strategy
                      3. Slowing Rollouts to Ensure Service Health
                      1. DaemonSet Scheduler
                      2. Creating DaemonSets
                      3. Limiting DaemonSets to Specific Nodes
                        1. Adding Labels to Nodes
                        2. Node Selectors
                        1. Rolling Update of a DaemonSet
                        1. The Job Object
                        2. Job Patterns
                          1. One Shot
                          2. Parallelism
                          3. Work Queues
                          1. ConfigMaps
                            1. Creating ConfigMaps
                            2. Using a ConfigMap
                            1. Creating Secrets
                            2. Consuming Secrets
                            3. Private Docker Registries
                            1. Listing
                            2. Creating
                            3. Updating
                            1. Role-Based Access Control
                              1. Identity in Kubernetes
                              2. Understanding Roles and Role Bindings
                              3. Roles and Role Bindings in Kubernetes
                              1. Testing Authorization with can-i
                              2. Managing RBAC in Source Control
                              1. Aggregating ClusterRoles
                              2. Using Groups for Bindings
                              1. Importing External Services
                                1. Services Without Selectors
                                2. Limitations of External Services: Health Checking
                                1. Running a MySQL Singleton
                                2. Dynamic Volume Provisioning
                                1. Properties of StatefulSets
                                2. Manually Replicated MongoDB with StatefulSets
                                3. Automating MongoDB Cluster Creation
                                4. Persistent Volumes and StatefulSets
                                5. One Final Thing: Readiness Probes
                                1. What It Means to Extend Kubernetes
                                2. Points of Extensibility
                                3. Patterns for Custom Resources
                                  1. Just Data
                                  2. Compilers
                                  3. Operators
                                  4. Getting Started
                                  1. Jupyter
                                  2. Parse
                                    1. Prerequisites
                                    2. Building the parse-server
                                    3. Deploying the parse-server
                                    4. Testing Parse
                                    1. Configuring Ghost
                                    1. Configuring Redis
                                    2. Creating a Redis Service
                                    3. Deploying Redis
                                    4. Playing with Our Redis Cluster
                                    1. Principles to Guide Us
                                      1. Filesystems as the Source of Truth
                                      2. The Role of Code Review
                                      3. Feature Gates and Guards
                                      1. Filesystem Layout
                                      2. Managing Periodic Versions
                                      1. Goals
                                      2. Progression of a Release
                                      1. Parameterizing with Helm and Templates
                                      2. Filesystem Layout for Parameterization
                                      1. Architectures for Worldwide Deployment
                                      2. Implementing Worldwide Deployment
                                      3. Dashboards and Monitoring for Worldwide Deployments
                                      1. Parts List
                                      2. Flashing Images
                                      3. First Boot: Master
                                        1. Setting Up Networking
                                        2. Installing Kubernetes
                                        3. Setting Up the Cluster
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                                        Product information

                                        • Title: Kubernetes: Up and Running, 2nd Edition
                                        • Author(s): Brendan Burns, Joe Beda, Kelsey Hightower
                                        • Release date: October 2019
                                        • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
                                        • ISBN: 9781492046530

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