The Accidental Tourist

The story of a travel-hating writer of travel books, Macon Leafy, who systematically avoids adventure. until he meets the frizzy-haired, stiletto-heeled, astonishing Muriel (she's trying to train his unmanageable Welsh corgi, Edward), who up-ends Macon's world and thrusts him into engagement with life. Anne Tyler's most famous best seller.
Winner of the 1985 National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction. 2 cassettes.

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The Accidental Tourist
Anne Tyler
Ограниченный просмотр - 2012

The Accidental Tourist
Anne Tyler
Просмотр фрагмента - 1998

The Accidental Tourist
Anne Tyler
Просмотр фрагмента - 1999

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Conexiones transnacionales: cultura, gente, lugares
Ulf Hannerz
Ограниченный просмотр - 1998

The 16PF: Personality in Depth
Heather Birkett Cattell
Просмотр фрагмента - 1989

Об авторе (1985)

Anne Tyler was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 25, 1941. She graduated from Duke University at the age of 19 and completed graduate work in Russian studies at Columbia University. Before becoming a full-time author, she worked as a librarian and bibliographer. Her first novel, If Morning Ever Comes, was published in 1964. Her other works include Saint Maybe, Back When We Were Grownups, Digging to America, Noah's Compass, The Beginner's Goodbye, A Spool of Blue Thread, and Vinegar Girl. She has won several awards including the PEN Faulkner Award in 1983 for Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, the 1985 National Book Critics Circle Award for The Accidental Tourist, and the 1988 Pulitzer Prize for Breathing Lessons. The Accidental Tourist was adapted into a 1988 movie starring William Hurt and Geena Davis. In 2018 her title, Clock Dance, made the bestsellers list.

Библиографические данные

Название The Accidental Tourist
Berkley Fiction
Berkley books
Berkley novel
Longman fiction
Penguin readers
Penguin readers: Level 3
Автор Anne Tyler
Издание: перепечатанное
Издатель Berkley Books, 1985
ISBN 0425092917, 9780425092910
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 342
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